TrueChem release notes

Features only   All items   v22   v21   v20   v19   v4.12   v4.11-4.8  
Type ID Version Description
Feature  Feature1298522.12.0001Add Inventory Documents to the Document Manager
Feature  Feature1098422.12.0001On the Process Inputs screen, sort the list of Process Inputs alphabetically on short description
Feature  Feature998422.12.0001Option to show documents in a separate window
Feature  Feature997022.12.0001Add a new style of Label for use with DataSet Lookup tables
Fix  Fix1298422.12.0001"Select Rights" assigned to a Group may not be grant access properly
Fix  Fix1298222.12.0001Multicolumn sort on sharpgrid views only sorts on the last column
Fix  Fix1198622.12.0001Late Addsheet emails may not be sent for Flexible Addsheets
Fix  Fix1198522.12.0001Graph icons on result row in perform test screen not visible
Fix  Fix1198222.12.0001Some RTF and HTML editors will replace the < > symbols used in variables with < >
Fix  Fix1198022.12.0001Manually scheduling an item does not allow the start & end times to be modified from the default 4 hours
Fix  Fix1099122.12.0001Error #35601 when trying to manually schedule an item when multi-level Groups is enabled
Fix  Fix1098922.12.0001DBPATH command line switch fails if using curly quotes around the path given
Fix  Fix1098822.12.0001Estimated effect of adds on graph may be incorrect if two or more adjustments use the same associated Result ID
Fix  Fix1098022.12.0001'From Email' address changes to 'logon name' in email setup for all auth types
Fix  Fix60222.12.0001When using samples, a test cannot be performed without assigning it to a sample
Fix  Fix1098222.05.0002In User Setup, Groups can incorrectly become members of other Groups
Feature  Feature997922.05.0001Option to hide HMIS numbers when using the variable [obj.HMISHTMLIMAGE]
Feature  Feature997822.05.0001Optional Consumable fields available as variables for inventory items: [INV.ConsField1] - [INV.ConsField12]
Feature  Feature996722.05.0001Office 365 SMTP submission using OAuth 2.0 (Modern Authentication)
Feature  Feature996222.05.0001Option in Tank Setup to hide individual makeup items
Feature  Feature995522.05.0001"Active" option for DataSet Lookup tables to show or hide in the drop downlist when entering an Input in Perform Test
Feature  Feature994322.05.0001New [EXD.LIST] variable returns a tilde(~) delimited list from all returned records
Fix  Fix997222.05.0001Execute script actions that are deferred until Test Report Signoff do not lookup embedded variables correctly
Fix  Fix996922.05.0001Input column on the Perform Test screen too far to the right when the result name is less than a few characters long.
Fix  Fix996422.05.0001Custom schedule options ignored when a Result's Schedule is set via a DataSet table
Fix  Fix995622.05.0001Data points not shown in Individual\Xbar Graph when all points are the same value and the spec limits have not be set
Fix  Fix995322.05.0001Error 9 when viewing Component Overlay graphs with more than 70 results included
Fix  Fix994822.05.0001Office 365 Email authentication errors (421 4.7.66 TLS 1.0 and 1.1 are not supported) (more info)
Fix  Fix994722.05.0001Error 50003 when editing or creating a rule via System Setup > Rules tab
Fix  Fix994622.05.0001[lib.TableLookupX] variable can return an incorrect value if the Lookup library is set to use the least squares line. [lib.TableLookupY] is correct.
Fix  Fix994522.05.0001In the Performance Report > Schedule type, the Result description and the Schedule Type are blank for One Time Re-Tests
Fix  Fix994122.05.0001Requisition Selection may incorrectly put the day of the week (e.g. "Monday") in the Requisition textbox on the Received screen
Feature  Feature992122.01.0001Ability to designate an Input as "Multiple entry" so on the Perform Test Screen several entries for that Input can be entered and it will use the average (or sum or min or max or or slope) (more info)